A 35-year-old male presents with weakness when lifting his arm above his head and visible "winging" of the scapula on physical examination. This presentation is most consistent with an injury to which of the following nerves?

A) Axillary Nerve

B) Suprascapular Nerve

C) Long Thoracic Nerve

D) Dorsal Scapular Nerve

A patient is evaluated for shoulder pain and weakness in retracting the scapula. Physical examination reveals difficulty with scapular retraction and slight elevation of the scapula. This pattern of weakness is most likely caused by injury to which of the following nerves?

A) Long Thoracic Nerve

B) Dorsal Scapular Nerve

C) Suprascapular Nerve

D) Spinal Accessory Nerve

A 40-year-old woman presents with weakness in abduction of her little finger and atrophy of the muscles on the ulnar side of her palm. Which of the following structures is most likely involved?

A) Thenar Eminence

B) Hypothenar Eminence

C) Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

D) Pronator Teres

A 52-year-old man presents with numbness and tingling in his thumb, index, and middle fingers, along with difficulty in gripping objects. On physical examination, you note significant atrophy of a muscle group at the base of the thumb and weakness in thumb opposition. Which muscle group is primarily affected?

A) Hypothenar Eminence

B) Thenar Eminence

C) Brachioradialis

D) Interosseous Muscles

During an emergency airway management scenario, a surgical airway is required. The location chosen for this procedure is just below the thyroid cartilage, where a puncture is made to access the trachea. Which anatomical structure is being penetrated?

A) Thyrohyoid Membrane

B) Cricothyroid Membrane

C) Tracheal Rings

D) Hyoid Bone

A 30-year-old man undergoes a procedure to administer a local anesthetic for an awake intubation. The anesthetic is injected into the membrane between the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage to block the internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve. Which structure is this anesthetic being injected into?

A) Thyrohyoid Membrane

B) Cricothyroid Membrane

C) Vocal Folds

D) Aryepiglottic Folds

1. Which nerve is most commonly spared in an interscalene block?

A) Ulnar nerve

B) Median nerve

C) Radial nerve

D) Musculocutaneous nerve

2. Which complication is most associated with the interscalene block?

A) Pneumothorax

B) Phrenic nerve paralysis

C) Hematoma

D) Infection

3. Which is a common complication of a supraclavicular block?

A) Infection

B) Hematoma

C) Pneumothorax

D) Phrenic nerve paralysis

4. The supraclavicular block targets which part of the brachial plexus?

A) Roots

B) Trunks

C) Divisions

D) Cords

5. Which muscle is commonly visualized in a supraclavicular block?

A) Trapezius

B) Sternocleidomastoid

C) Anterior scalene

D) Subclavius

6. The infraclavicular block targets which part of the brachial plexus?

A) Roots

B) Trunks

C) Divisions

D) Cords

7. Which artery is used as a landmark in the infraclavicular block?

A) Axillary artery

B) Subclavian artery

C) Brachial artery

D) Radial artery

8. The ideal position for performing an infraclavicular block involves the arm being placed in which position?

A) Adducted to the side

B) Abducted and externally rotated

C) Flexed at the elbow

D) Neutral position

9. Which is a potential complication of an infraclavicular block?

A) Infection

B) Hematoma

C) Pneumothorax

D) Nerve injury

10. The axillary block targets which part of the brachial plexus?

A) Roots

B) Trunks

C) Divisions

D) Terminal branches

11. Which artery is commonly palpated to guide the axillary block?

A) Brachial artery

B) Subclavian artery

C) Axillary artery

D) Radial artery

12. In an axillary block, which nerve is often missed due to its anatomical position?

A) Ulnar nerve

B) Median nerve

C) Radial nerve

D) Musculocutaneous nerve

13. Which muscle is pierced by the needle when performing an axillary block?

A) Pectoralis major

B) Biceps brachii

C) Deltoid

D) Triceps brachii

14. Which muscle lies immediately lateral to the femoral nerve at the level of the inguinal ligament?

A) Sartorius

B) Pectineus

C) Adductor longus

D) Iliacus

15. Which artery serves as a landmark for the femoral nerve block?

A) Femoral artery

B) Popliteal artery

C) Profunda femoris artery

D) External iliac artery

16. The femoral nerve originates from which spinal nerve roots?

A) L1-L2

B) L2-L4

C) L3-L5

D) L4-S1

17. Which is a common indication for a femoral nerve block?

A) Hip surgery

B) Shoulder surgery

C) Elbow surgery

D) Wrist surgery

18. The sciatic nerve exits the pelvis through which structure?

A) Greater sciatic foramen

B) Lesser sciatic foramen

C) Obturator foramen

D) Inguinal canal

19. Which muscles are used as landmarks in the classic approach for the sciatic nerve block in the gluteal region?

A) Gluteus medius and piriformis

B) Gluteus maximus and biceps femoris

C) Piriformis and quadratus femoris

D) Gluteus minimus and obturator internus

20. Which nerve roots contribute to the formation of the sciatic nerve?

A) L2-L4

B) L4-S1

C) L4-S3

D) L5-S4

21. Which complication is most associated with the sciatic nerve block?

A) Infection

B) Hematoma

C) Nerve injury

D) Vascular injury

22. The popliteal nerve block targets which nerves?

A) Tibial and common peroneal nerves

B) Femoral and obturator nerves

C) Sciatic and saphenous nerves

D) Superficial and deep peroneal nerves

23. Which landmark is used to guide the popliteal nerve block?

A) Popliteal artery

B) Popliteal vein

C) Biceps femoris tendon

D) Tibial tuberosity

24. The popliteal nerve block is typically performed at which level above the knee?

A) 2 cm

B) 5 cm

C) 7 cm

D) 10 cm

25. Which is a common complication of the popliteal nerve block?

A) Infection

B) Hematoma

C) Nerve injury

D) Vascular injury

26. The adductor canal block targets which nerve?

A) Femoral nerve

B) Sciatic nerve

C) Saphenous nerve

D) Obturator nerve

27. Which muscle forms the roof of the adductor canal?

A) Sartorius

B) Adductor longus

C) Vastus medialis

D) Gracilis

28. Which artery is used as a landmark in the adductor canal block?

A) Femoral artery

B) Popliteal artery

C) Saphenous artery

D) Deep femoral artery

29. The adductor canal block is most useful for surgeries involving which part of the body?

A) Hip

B) Knee

C) Ankle

D) Foot

30. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve originates from which spinal nerve roots?

A) L1-L2

B) L2-L3

C) L3-L4

D) L4-L5

31. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve passes under which structure as it enters the thigh?

A) Inguinal ligament

B) Sartorius muscle

C) Femoral sheath

D) Adductor longus

32. Which area of the body does the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve supply sensation to?

A) Medial thigh

B) Posterior thigh

C) Lateral thigh

D) Anterior thigh

33. Which is a common complication of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block?

A) Infection

B) Hematoma

C) Nerve injury

D) Vascular injury

34. A 45-year-old male presents with difficulty plantarflexing his foot and sensory loss along the sole of the foot. Which nerve is most likely injured?

A) Common Fibular Nerve

B) Sural Nerve

C) Sciatic Nerve

D) Tibial Nerve

E) Femoral Nerve

35. A patient sustains a fracture of the fibular neck and now exhibits foot drop. Which nerve is most likely involved?

A) Tibial Nerve

B) Common Fibular Nerve

C) Sciatic Nerve

D) Sural Nerve

E) Femoral Nerve

36. During a knee replacement surgery, a nerve block is administered to provide anesthesia to the anterior thigh and knee joint. Which nerve is most likely targeted?

A) Sciatic Nerve

B) Common Fibular Nerve

C) Sural Nerve

D) Tibial Nerve

E) Femoral Nerve

37. A 35-year-old female complains of numbness over the lateral aspect of her foot and ankle after a prolonged period of casting for an ankle fracture. Which nerve is most likely involved?

A) Tibial Nerve

B) Sural Nerve

C) Sciatic Nerve

D) Femoral Nerve

E) Common Fibular Nerve

38. A patient is diagnosed with a herniated lumbar disc compressing the L4-L5 nerve roots. He presents with weakness in knee extension and sensory loss over the anterior thigh. Which nerve is most likely affected?

A) Sciatic Nerve

B) Tibial Nerve

C) Femoral Nerve

D) Sural Nerve

E) Common Fibular Nerve

39. A patient is undergoing surgery for a posterior dislocation of the hip. Postoperatively, they develop weakness in knee flexion and difficulty with foot movements. Which nerve is most likely injured?

A) Sciatic Nerve

B) Tibial Nerve

C) Common Fibular Nerve

D) Femoral Nerve

E) Sural Nerve

40. A patient presents with weakness in dorsiflexion and eversion of the foot. Which nerve is most likely compromised?

A) Tibial Nerve

B) Sural Nerve

C) Femoral Nerve

D) Sciatic Nerve

E) Common Fibular Nerve

41. A 22-year-old man develops posterior thigh and leg pain radiating to the sole of the foot after a traumatic event. Which nerve is most likely responsible for this distribution of symptoms?

A) Femoral Nerve

B) Sural Nerve

C) Common Fibular Nerve

D) Sciatic Nerve

E) Tibial Nerve

42. A nerve injury results in loss of sensation over the medial aspect of the calf and foot. Which of the following nerves is most likely damaged?

A) Common Fibular Nerve

B) Femoral Nerve

C) Sural Nerve

D) Sciatic Nerve

E) Tibial Nerve

43. A patient presents with decreased Achilles tendon reflex, difficulty with plantarflexion, and numbness over the plantar aspect of the foot. Which nerve is involved?

A) Sciatic Nerve

B) Sural Nerve

C) Common Fibular Nerve

D) Femoral Nerve

E) Tibial Nerve

44. A 60-year-old male develops numbness over the lateral calf and foot following knee surgery. The surgeon suspects a nerve injury. Which of the following nerves is most likely involved?

A) Sciatic Nerve

B) Common Fibular Nerve

C) Sural Nerve

D) Tibial Nerve

E) Femoral Nerve

45. A patient presents with weakness in extending the knee and a diminished patellar reflex. Which nerve is most likely involved?

A) Common Fibular Nerve

B) Sciatic Nerve

C) Sural Nerve

D) Tibial Nerve

E) Femoral Nerve

46. A trauma patient presents with an inability to flex the knee and dorsiflex the foot. Which of the following nerves is most likely damaged?

A) Common Fibular Nerve

B) Sural Nerve

C) Sciatic Nerve

D) Tibial Nerve

E) Femoral Nerve

47. A patient presents with numbness over the heel and difficulty with foot inversion. Which of the following nerves is most likely involved?

A) Sural Nerve

B) Tibial Nerve

C) Common Fibular Nerve

D) Sciatic Nerve

E) Femoral Nerve

48. A 42-year-old male has weakness in ankle eversion and numbness over the dorsum of the foot. Which nerve is most likely injured?

A) Common Fibular Nerve

B) Tibial Nerve

C) Sural Nerve

D) Femoral Nerve

E) Sciatic Nerve